Andrea Cole-Haskayne BA, BN, RN
Andrea is past Councilor for the Southern Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses (CANN). Andrea Cole-Haskayne works as Practice Lead for the Neurosciences, Rehabilitation & Vision Strategic Clinical Network for Alberta Health Services. Prior to this, she worked as Clinical Nurse Educator for the Safe Clinical Practice Program collaborating with teams on a number of quality improvement projects to improve patient care and safety. She is a Prosci certified Change Practitioner. She has been involved in planning for and successfully achieving Stroke Distinction Accreditation, Spinal Cord Injury Accreditation, and Qmentum Accreditation. Andrea has worked in a number of roles within Neurosciences:
• Staff Nurse Critical Care Neuro and General Medicine
• First 3T MRI Stroke Nurse and member of the Acute Stroke Team
• Stroke Research Coordinator
• Stroke Education Consultant with the Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy and Alberta Stroke Improvement
• Facilitator and Coordinator of Patient Education Programs (Stroke 101, Living with Stroke)
• Telestroke Coordination
• Nurse Clinician in the Stroke Prevention Clinic
• Clinical Nurse Educator for Tertiary Neuro Rehabilitation