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Click this link : for Free Access to this important article until August 8, 2023. Thank you Drs Bautista, Hinkle, Alexander, Hundt, and Rhudy #Neuronurses #nursingresearch #neuronerds #education @NeuroNursesAANN

#worldbrainday 2023 highlights the link between brain health and disability. Globally #stroke is the largest single neurological disease and the leading cause of disability. WSO advocacy calls for policy action on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation to reduce the impact of…

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#OnThisDay - September 1, 1980 - near Thunder Bay, ONAs Terry ran through intense pain, hundreds of supporters gathered along the highway cheering him on, saying, "Keep going, you can do it!" and "We're all behind you." Refusing to let anyone down, he took a break hoping the pain might subside. Terry ran another mile until he couldn't see any more people, returned to the van, and asked Doug to take him to a hospital. Terry called his parents in Port Coquitlam and told them the cancer had returned. The following day he flew home to begin further treatments. Terry had run his last mile of the Marathon of Hope.The day he stopped was the day we started. Continue Terry's dream of a world without cancer by joining the #TerryFoxRun on September 15. Register, fundraise, and donate today: ... See MoreSee Less
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Wow! CANN is proud to recognize another amazing neuro nurse! Dr. Lucretia Long was recognized by her co-worker Carmela Redhead. This is what Carmela would like to share about Lucretia: Dr. Lucretia Long an epilepsy nurse practitioner and was recently promoted to Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology in the college of medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She received her BSN, MSN and Nurse Practitioner Certification from The Ohio State University and her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Duke University. She is the Lead Outpatient APP at Ohio State University, and a Fellow of the American Epilepsy Society. Lucretia is also the first and only APP to receive the Women in Medicine and Science Award.Lucretia’s clinical interests include epilepsy patient education, health care disparities, seizure action plans, and women's issues in epilepsy. Lucretia’s passion for addressing health disparities and empowering people living with epilepsy was unmistakeable from the first time I met her. We first met in Dublin for the ILAE’s Congress, where I observed Lucretia connecting patient advocates from countries where epilepsy resources are limited and committing to collaboration and providing support.While Lucretia’s primary focus is outpatient care, she has embraced many opportunities to improve the profession of nursing through mentorship, clinical nursing research, and serving on a variety of national and international committees so that the voice of nurses is included in these professional organizations. Lucretia is actively engaged in the American Academy of Neurology, the American Epilepsy Society, and the International League Against Epilepsy. I personally have found Lucretia’s publications on the use of seizure action plans for adults very strong foundational and practical guides to implementing these plans in my practice area. Thank you Lucretia for all the amazing work that you have done and continue to do to improve the lives of people living with epilepsy and to give nurses the tools we need to care effectively of anyone whose life is affected by epilepsy.Thank you to Carmela for recognizing your amazing colleague! ... See MoreSee Less
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