Membership Options
A GENERAL member is a registered or practical nurse who is licensed to practice in Canada and is working in or affiliated with neurological and/or neurosurgical nursing.
An ASSOCIATE member is a nurse living in other country, a student enrolled in a basic education program, an individual practicing in a related discipline in the neurosciences and a “non-practicing nurse” having an interest in the field of neuroscience nursing. They are non-voting members of the Association and may not hold office.

Being a CANN member provides many benefits including:

Increased visibility opportunities to present as a speaker at local or national meetings. Join committees or become a volunteer board member.

Enjoy access to a directory of like-minded, Canadian nurse leaders in neuroscience nursing.

Members enjoy access to research grants, abstract awards and travel bursaries. Apply to many different opportunies offered through CANN.

Enjoy exclusive discounts on our annual national conference and chapter events.